Feel so bored.. dunno why i felt this.. emptiness.. miserable.. unconfidence..
Firstly coz da connection goes so so slo`. They thought the root of the problem comes from my area. We do check and recheck.. i found something weird, then i want to check from the logs. When i check the log.. i found something weird.. the size of the log has over 1.5 gigs (WoW!!!). I dunno what to do.. should i erase it?? (but it contains data i want to see). I want to split them into small size so i can track/trace the source of the laggy thingie that makes my connection run like an erudite worm. So i left it. Eventhough.. deep inside me want to make the connection better.. but still.. i don't know must be how *my pren style*
~About Ramadhan Peduli Kasih bersama M3-Community~
Well.. mungkin ini salah satu distraksi dari kejenuhanku di tempad kerja. Ditembak dengan sukses jadi Sie Keamanan (Beu!!!), sesudah itu.. ditembak pulak suru bikin simbolis buat penyerahan sumbangan.. padahal D-Day-nya tuw besok... Gilak pan!!! tapi ya dengan berbagai cara (begadang dah pasti.. namanya jg NightCrawlerZ *wink!*) akhirnya simbolis itu jadi. Gw ikutin itu acara dengan mata dah diganjel pakek biji korek api, berikut semangat yg sudah dibakar lagi (karena nyaris padam oleh ngantuk). Phewww.. sukses juga acaranya. Disana aku merasa suatu hal yg lain daripada yg lain. Masih ada yg lebi susah dari gw, masi ada yg lebi sengsara dari gw. Tapi mereka jalani semua itu apa adanya dan ada apanya. They still survive.. they still can face it, can live with it, an they struggle with it.
Melihat mereka.. ternyata aku masih harus lebih banyak belajar lagi..
^Thx To All Participants^ _Keep The Faith - Bon Jovi_
Your element is Air. You are an artistic person
with a unique sense of style. You are
intelligent; although prone to wonder in
thought which, prevents you from paying full
attention to most things, constantly active and
most likely like to sing. Constantly moving the
air is a force of nature. One moment you can be
a breeze the next a tornado.
What's your element
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obsessive compulsive
Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
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^_* Walah mak.. sebegitunyakah kelainanku?!?! *_^